The Tempsford Special Duties Squadrons




Summer Gathering 2014

Wreath in memory of the crew of Hudson FK790, who were killed on 5 July 1944;

the relatives of this crew were the founder members of the TVARA.

Bob Body (r) with Fay & Peter Gerrard & Colin Thomas.

In the wheelchair is Joan Pearson, widow of Denis Withers, W/Op on Hudson FK790.

Mike Gibbons, veteran 138 Squadron

Jack Clarkson, veteran 161 Squadron

Introduction & welcome from Bob Body - the poor weather didn't dampen spirits!
Aussie Ross Gomersall (c) got the "prize" for travelling the furthest!

Seated: Ken Kidd (l) brother of two Tempsford personnel, and veterans Bill Stoneman and Mike Gibbons

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 15:26